Printed Flyer
Design your Flyer
Key elements:
Eye-catching design
Bulleted benefits/differentiators/values
Keep the message high level. Drive them to the Call To Action (CTA) for details
Promotion, if applicable
Call to action (link to website with QR code or similar)
Large and consistent fonts (14 point minimum)
Use Canva's FREE business flyers templates:
Adobe Express (free plan has flyers, tools, images, etc)
Free Photos:
Illustrations & More:
(Copyright clear)
Helpful Specialty Tools:
Img.Upscaler (You can do up to 5 per week for free)
- (Free - size limit 1500px x 1500px)
Smart Upscaler (Free - Has face recovery feature)
Background Removers
RemoveBg (Free)
Upload your flyer design here: